Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Our project is intended for services provided to clients with ATF evidence. Like any business we are trying to increase business value.

Do you want to live in a world that can not harm your data?
stored on the internet? You do not need to spend more time and nerves about bureaucracy and obstacles in communicating people to each other and people to the state. You can transfer funds without opening an account and communicating with the bank safely and without fear. And no one can fix what has been written on blockchain in the past, and mutual trust will become the norm and standard.
What is AlgoTradingFUN?
AlgoTradingFUN is an algorithmic trading platform (robot) and based on its services, created to exclude negative human influences on decision-making processes, capital management, application execution. We use the know-how of trading algorithms, artificial neural networks to improve the effectiveness of trading robots, explore the impact of quantum algorithms and calculations on processes
capital management This platform was originally created to give clients the maximum coverage of all available markets and trading tools. Taking into account the development of blockchain technology, we are directing all our resources to transfer the platform to blockchain technology and implement unique services for clients aimed at achieving higher levels of transaction transparency. client, security operations, reliability of all client transactions and trading results, client's capital security.
When you purchase an ATF token you purchase our robotic access to
your capital trading and provide additional services using robots.
Our robot is already bringing benefits to our clients, therefore your participation in our ITO is the latest service support with the aim of
increasing the trade turnover of robots by USD 40 million in 2018,
USD 200 million in 2019, USD 400 million by 2020, and the goal of making turnover of Rp 1 billion in 2021.

About the project

Trade in various markets, we say with confidence - to generate high profits Simple, but according to our nature, human emotions prevent most of it trading in the stock market from earning in the long run.

Parameter robot trading

  1. More than 80 tools available to trade with robots today.
  2. . On the preparation date of this document, our robots bring income
     to our clients on average 2.4% in US dollars from their capital per
  3. . Each robot has strict risk control for the position and multi level client's capital management system
  4. . Our trading algorithms and capital management algorithms
     developed over 6 years of trading and investment management are our KNOW and our key business assets.

For whom our project is addressed

  1. Private investors who do not want to waste their time to trade. They give money and earn profit every month or weekly.
    2. Private investors who want to form their own portfolio for trading robots
    3. Company investors - official registration through our services
    Russian legal entities and trading with our robots in your company free funds may be made.
    4. Merchants - You can manage our robot, customize it, receive Signal from robot, build your business using our robot.
    5. Investment funds, pension funds, hedge fund managers, it
    is therefore important to distribute their portfolios on various lucrative and risk-diversifying instruments.


By creating our AlgoTradingFUN project, we apply the following principles in ecosystem development. By 2018, we will transfer the ATF platform to blockchain technology.
Why are we doing this? We believe that all of our service transactions, from client registration in our ecosystem to the filling and deleting process of tokens based on our service results, must be transparent to our clients. To do this, all our classic client-server solutions and services need to be converted into blockchain networks. We plan to change basic services in the second quarter of the quarter of 2018. And the whole set of processes for client work with the solutions and technologies we want to get done.
We are a decentralized economic supporter, therefore we see our ecosystem as a service and an interconnected process both within our region of the project and beyond that. We will develop:
1. The algorithmic service platform, including the trading robot for
integration with all the world-renowned liquid tools and exchanges. We
will create different groups of clients - traders, investors, funds,
capital managers - have their own needs and needs because of our platform scaling, we can provide flexible tools for people to develop their solutions and services.
2. When our ATF token will be released into the crypto active exchange, this
Step will allow clients to exchange our tokens for other assets, as well as exchange fiat currency.
3. We create two areas in our project to work with corporate partners and individuals. Building an open and growing client community for our project is our main direction of development. Among our potential partners will work with internet sites, service companies, chain stores to write tokens as points on loyalty programs.

Project strategy

Volatility tool
We help clients to choose the most volatile tool. When robots are in trading, they are required to provide certain risk and profit ratios. This can be achieved by choosing a volatile tool. As such, we help clients not to waste time searching and selecting these tools, but already
connecting ready-made services
Legal protection for customers
We are building the project in such a way that after the launch of ITO we can implement a completely transparent legal scheme and protected the creation of companies and groups of companies, funds, brokers.
This is necessary to protect our investors and ITO participants.
Technological development
Trade in different markets and direct our robotic technology and
Implementation algorithm will evolve toward the network nerve, against the use of quantum computing. The platform will evolve toward transformation into blockchain technology, massive
data processing, and internet finance.
Neural network
This year, we started researching artificial neural network algorithms and
made the first development in the field of artificial neural networks for use in our trading algorithms. As a result, we gained an increase in the real historical data of trading robots by 70% higher. So, we decided to develop this direction and provide new services to clients Based on the work of artificial neural networks to increase your profits in a short time

Project services

What services can you get when purchasing an ATF token
1. Access our robot right to trade with your capital.
2. Right to receive trading signal from robot.
3. If you want to trade with our own robot, we will provide services to prepare robot parameters for your trading.
4. Right to form a portfolio for you in long / medium / short investment by robot-manager
5. Access to member area for you as your trader or fund
manager in order to build your business to manage your
client's capital using our robot
6. You can use the service to automatically follow the
robot position , connect our robot advisor and see how it brings you an advantage.
7. Access to robots built on the basis of artificial neural networks has increased
trading results with robots.
8. Customized sales profiles from our clients in our project market
Because our platforms can be replicated, this allows you to create new services, new types of services New services such as robot rentals with network-tuned nerve algorithms, quantum computing for trading robots, algorithmic portfolio managers will enable our clients to quietly expand our platform and the growth of token costs ATF.

Token ATF

How earnings earnings will look with an ATF token
1. You choose the service you want to use.
2. You purchase an ATF token to provide access to the service.
3. We connect you with the service, having done you through all phases with caution.
4. Once the service is activated, the corresponding robot will start
5. You will see the results of your service and your income in your blog
's personal profile at the end of the week or month.
6. If you want to withdraw your income will withdraw funds (if it is so connected to our account) or receive income from our service robot in your personal account
7. At the end of the service period some ATF tokens are released
ensuring ATF level growth.
8. Our clients will be able to receive discounts for our ATF
network token websites and partners.
9. If there is no ATF token when adding your account, you will purchase an ATF token to continue the service used on our site or on the
Stock Exchange.

Why you need to buy ATF tokens

Our project is aimed at serving clients present
from ATF token As any business we are trying to improve
business value. To increase the cost of an ATF token we see the following
key factor factors:
  1. growth in the number of clients based on services
2. partial burning token after service is provided
3. using tokens on partner networks
4. token participation in the creation of future investment companies
and their exchange for tokens from investment companies
5. replicate platforms and services for more number of clients
6. the creation of a community of merchants, managers, funds,
partner loyalty programs that will develop the platform and create new services
7. provide a tool for private traders to make money using services
8. the creation of crypto currency exchange itself
Pre-ITO period
12/24/2017 until 2/8/2018.
The ITO period will be announced after following pre-ITO results.
Parameter of purchase of token ATF
On pre-ITO 1 ETH = 400 ATF token.
At ITO 1 ETH = 320 token ATF.
When you purchase the following 10 ETH token the
additional discount of purchase volume applies to the
effective price on the token purchase date:
When you purchase 10 to 20 ETH the discount will be 4%.
When you buy a discount of 20 to 100 ETH will be 8%.
If you buy 100 to 400 ETH, the discount will be 16%.
When you buy more than 400 ETH the discount will be 32%.
terimakasi has read my article, the bar want more info, please kinjungi link on this take:

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